Monday, 26 December 2011

Where did the time go??

Well it's Boxing Day here in Cornwall (and in most other places too, so I'm told!). So I hope you all had a lovely Christmas with the ones you love.

The studio is coming along nicely, no electric yet. Hopefully between visitors today we can lay the flooring, after moving all the junk that has "bred" out there. But I can see an end in sight. Then the move in can begins. Oooh stress! Filing cabinets full to the brim, and as we all know filing drawers don't go all the wall to the back, so every one has to come out and moved separately. Couldn't happen soon enough really, we can hardly walk across the lounge for boxes and bags of craft supplies.

More relatives have just arrived, so I'll see you all again soon, well sooner than two months!! Oh, happy New Year. xx

Monday, 24 October 2011

Decision, decision....

on what I shall call myself when I set foot into the cyberworld of selling. Going to have to withdraw from a local fayre due to neck problems. The thought of lifting boxes is not a pretty one, so need to get net selling.

I had few ideas for potential names and have passed by the "taste selector", and none have passed muster. Idea's on a postcard, postage stamp, pin head please..

Monday, 17 October 2011

The sound of silence!

Been a busy time here. Our builder has finished his part in the studio build, and now the fiddly stuff is left to me and the other half, my long suffering Mark. Tonight we or should I say HE painted a bit more of the inside of the studio pale yellow.

Someone asked if the character looking out of the window is one of my creations,,,,hmmmm No, tis me. I'd have used far less clay if I'd made it!!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Building to future

After many, many (too many many's actually) years of making do with trays on laps and collapsible tables, and yes they do when you least expect it! I'm about to get my own studio!!!! Shovels have made contact with soil and soon the alchemy of sand, water and cement will begin. Too excited for words. Once that's up and worktops etc are in, and weeks of moving craft "stuff" out to the Studio (how posh does that sound) miniature work can begin. Lists are being written for future projects.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

A new beginning

Welcome, welcome. If you have stumbled in the direction of the Spence welcome, come in sit down and have a cup of tea. Biscuit? Come join me in my miniature world of dolls houses, small people, dragons, wizards, steampunk, medieval and fantasy. What I make, is what I fancy doing at the time.

The thinking behind this blog, who thought of the word "blog"? Shoulded it be bio as in biography? Anyway. I thought I'd invite you to join me as I make my miniatures, develop ideas and building dolls houses.

You're probably wondering where the title of this blog came from. Spence you see is the Cornish (yes I am and very proud of the fact!!) for the cupboard under the stairs. The place where most people keep their junk and vacuum cleaner, and where Harry Potter lives in the Muggle world! I'm trying to convert the world to use Spence instead of "the cupboard under the stairs".

So pull up a chair and again welcome.